

北京外国语大学始创于 1941 年,是教育部直属、“985”优势学科创新平台和首批国家“211 工程”建设的全国重点大学,是中国唯一一所开设 101 个语种(截至 2019 年 5 月)学历学位教育、培养了 400 多位驻外大使的高等学府,提供外国语言文学、汉语语言文学、传媒学、政治学、法学、管理学、工程学等多学科多层次教育。“语言教育”和“国际化”是北外的 DNA。

Beijing Foreign Studies University

Beijing Foreign Studies University, or BFSU, is a prestigious Chinese university under the direct leadership of the Chinese Ministry of Education. It is one of China’s top universities listed under Project 985 and Project 211 comprising China’s top universities. Founded in 1941, BFSU specializes in language education and teaches the largest number of languages (101 by May, 2019) in China. BFSU offers education at different levels in a range of areas, such as foreign languages and literature, Chinese language and literature, journalism and communication, political science, law, management science and engineering. Over 400 past and present ambassadors in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are BFSU alumni. “Language Education” and “Internationalization” are at the heart of BFSU.



International Education Group, Beijing Foreign Studies University

The International Education Group, Beijing Foreign Studies University, or BFSU International, is part of Beijing Foreign Studies University. BFSU International is engaged in K-12 education, including school operations, curriculum design and delivery, teacher and student development, evaluation and research, featuring language education and internationalization. The university’s academic pursuit and global perspective are drivers in BFSU International’s commitment to the exploration and innovation of both ideology and practices to establish the excellence in international education.



BFSU International Multilingual Foundation Programme Centre

BFSU International Multilingual Foundation Programme Centre offers a pathway for students who plan for their undergraduate studies in destinations such as Germany, Italy, France, Russia, Korea, Spain and Japan. The programme consists of five modules: language study, academic skills, cross-cultural communication, professional studies and humanities.

